VirtualRobot is a freeware software suite, in the sense that includes several programs, developed in C++ by DISA-UPV Robotics Group for robotics application, research and education, with a graphical representation based on OpenGL under Microsoft Windows (2k/NT/9x) operating systems. Its beginning, on 1998, was motivated by the need of a remote graphical application for programming, monitoring and simulating multi-robot cells on the control system GENERIS (Generalised Software Control System for Industrial Robots) developed by European Commission Joint Research Centre. Its open software architecture design allows, i.e., kinematics modules to be ported to GENERIS control system.
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- Soft Robotics Toolkit
(VRS) is the main platform for simulation, and includes some components (a set of adaptable Dynamic Link Libraries) and external applications (VRS Tools, VRM Tools and VRS Demos) as well as documentation.
We will take you to the world of circuits and chips from where you can make your own robot and start your pursuit through the virtual world of reality. OZ World Space v.0.03.alpha Oziac is an experiment to describe an existing fantasy world (the land of OZ created by L. Frank Baum) and implement it as a virtual world. The Robotics Toolkit for Visual Components is a software add-on for LabVIEW that provides functionality for directly controlling and simulating virtual robots with 3DCreate. This add-on helps you perform motion control of over 800 robot models from a variety of manufacturers. You can perform offline robot teaching, execute your own robot. Virtual Robotics Toolkit Software Virtual Robotics Toolkit Optional Download Links EV3 Software Required if you wish to program EV3 robots. LEGO Digital Designer. Use the Virtual Robotics Toolkit to simulate LEGO Mindstorms EV3/NXT robots in a variety of worlds. With the Toolkit, you can build and program your robot using the exact same tools you would use on the real thing — code you write for your simulated robot will also run in real-life.
VRS includes several demos. To play them, you must run the Demos programs, placed in the File menu, option Demos, as shown in the figure:
Virtual Robotics Toolkit, free and safe download. A Full Version program for Windows‚ by Cogmation Robotics. Download Virtual Robotics Toolkit Varies by device. Nov 21, 2017 - Download mindstorms simulator - best software program for windows. Use your virtual robotics toolkit in which usually to simulate lego. Lego mindstorms simulator.
Download program
Please, remove previous versions of VirtualRobot Simulator from your computer, download the following zip (or rar) file, unzip (or unrar) in your computer and execute the setup.exe file.
Download VRS 6.6 Beta version November 2004 (ZIP version, 65.713KB)
Download VRS 6.6 Beta version November 2004 (RAR version, 64.053KB)
Update VirtualRobot to VRS 6.7 (Nov2007):
After installation, download this VRS67 zip file and replace the three included files of the old version in:
- VRS.exe in VirtualRobot directory
- VRMEditor,exe in ApplicationsVRMTools directory
- Vreal.ini in Windows directory
If after installation, VRS is not working, probably you will require installing MFCs (as explained in readme.txt file).
O. Sapena, E. Onaindía, M. Mellado, C. Correcher & E. Vendrell.
Reactive Planning Simulation in Dynamic Environments with VirtualRobot.
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. Innovations in Applied Artificial Intelligence. IEA/AIE 2004 ISBN: 3-540-22007-0
The 17th International Conference on Industrial & Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems. May 17-20, 2004, Ottawa, Canada
Paper (pdf), 147KBM. Mellado, C. Correcher, J.V. Catret & D. Puig.
VirtualRobot: An open general-purpose simulation tool for Robotics.
The 2003 European Simulation and Modelling Conference (ESM2003), EUROSIS, Naples, Italy.
October 2003.
Paper (pdf), 2.185KBM. Mellado, J.V. Catret, D. Puig, E. Vendrell.
Sistema Remoto de Programación, Simulación y Monitorización de Robots.
Simposio de Ingeniería Eléctrica (SIE 2001), Santa Clara, Cuba.
Mayo 2001.
Paper (pdf), 369KB Poster (pdf), 565KBR. Zotovic, M. Mellado, V. Jornet, J.V. Catret & D. Puig.
Diseño, Implementación y Control de un Sistema Háptico con Realimentación Sensorial en Tele-Robótica.
2º Congreso Int. Interacción Persona-Ordenador (Interacción’2001), Salamanca, España.
Mayo 2001.
Paper (pdf), 247KB Poster (pdf), 5.666KBM. Mellado, J.V. Catret & D. Puig.
Dispositivos de Entrada de Datos 3D en Tele-Robótica.
2º Congreso Int. Interacción Persona-Ordenador (Interacción’2001), Salamanca, España.
Mayo 2001.
Paper (pdf), 86KB Poster (pdf), 432KBD. Puig, M. Mellado, J.V. Catret & E. Ruiz.
Robot Kinematics Development Environment: Application to a Configurable Redundant Manipulator for Heavy Robotics.
5th World WSES/IEEE Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communications & Computers (CSCC 2001), Creta, Greece.
July 2001.
Paper (pdf), 2.008KBJ.V. Catret, M. Mellado & D. Puig,
Open Graphics System for 3D-Mapping Validation on Robotics.
8th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS’2001)¸ Valetta Malta.
September 2001.
Paper (pdf), 490KB Poster (pdf), 1.736KB
Please note file size
Industrial robots manipulators:
Arc Welding (3120Kb)
Spot Welding (932Kb)
Machine Load (596Kb)
Assembly Line (1608Kb)
Card Board Holing (596Kb)
Bottle Packing (Compressed version) (1248Kb)
Heavy redundant robot Rialto-Gaer (35Mb)
Heavy redundant robot Rialto-APM (46Mb)
Wheel Assembly (101Mb)
Bottle Packing (Full version) (152Mb)
Letter Drilling (197Mb)
Mobile Robots:
Bike (268Kb)
Riv (984Kb)
Nomad On a Maze (Compressed version) (1346Kb)
Mail Delivery (2166Kb)
Nomad (164Mb)
Nomad On a Maze (Full version) (78Mb)
Yair (33Mb)
Walking Robots:
Silo4 (824Kb)
FREESUB Research Training Network funded by the European Commission under the Human Potential Programme has decided to use VirtualRobot as the common software platform for Underwater Robot Simulation. In this way, a VirtualRobot Workshop was organized at the Joint Research Centre (Ispra) (see October 2003 Newsletter of the FREESUB network) and a work meeting on Simulator Integration was organized at Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique, CEA (see February 2004 Newsletter of the FREESUB network). The following paper shows the use of VirtualRobot within the network.
M. Badica, F. Schramm, P. Gravez, P. Weiss & J.V. Catret.
An architecture for supervising the telemanipulation of an IAUV-mounted robotic arm.
International Carpathian Control Conference (ICCC), Zakopane, Poland.
May, 2004.
Paper (pdf), 210KB Poster (pdf), 547KB
An on-line English documentation (for VRS version 6.01) is now available.
The possibility of simulating processes or products and their behavior in the environment throughout the entire life cycle has a clear and positive impact in all stages of development and maintenance of an equipment or system. Nevertheless there are also pitfalls which can be easily avoided, head to our software simulation article to learn more.
In this article we will explore some of the features of Virtual Robotics Toolkit, a feature-rich simulation environment for LEGO Mindstorms robots which allows testing any robotic creation similar to an actual model without actually owning one – simply import any LDraw 3D model, load an EV3-G script, run the simulation and start observing what your robot does.
Virtual Robotics Toolkit (VRT) has been developed by Cogmation Robotics, a Canadian company with over 10 years of experience in the field of custom robotics simulators, better known for products like robotSim or the Roboteer mobile app. Development on the VRT software started over 9 years ago and supported more expensive robots such as the NAO.
VRT is geared towards STEM educational audiences and is a great asset for teams who want to get their creations in shape for robotics competitions such as the FIRST LEGO League (FLL) or the World Robot Olympiad (WRO). In fact the are integrated example project selection includes sample projects for current challenges – complete with robot models, environment as well as documentation – in order to help getting your projects up and running in a very short time.
Personally I found the help section to be written in a clear and succinct manner, and was able to access most basic functionality after only a few minutes, and relevant information can be easily found while using the software. Additional resources are available online, there is some pretty extensive documentation as well as established communities.
The prime feature of VRT is the ability to import your own 3D LEGO models made with any CAD software based on the LDraw framework standard. This means that you can use the official LEGO Digital Designer tool or alternatives such as MLCAD to build robots or other assemblies and then seamlessly import them and test their functionality in VRT.
Programming the virtual LEGO bricks takes place as if these were the real thing, and this is not an overstatement. Any program previously created with the official EV3-G or NXT-G visual environments can be imported in VRT and executed as if it were uploaded onto a physical brick after quickly mapping motors and sensors to their ports.
Speaking of sensors, most official Mindstorms sensors are supported (ultrasonic, infrared, color, touch) as well as the HiTechnic infrared and compass sensors.
Getting started
A Virtual Robotics Toolkit single seat license will cost US $50 while a 10 seat team license will set you back about US $200. You can access the ordering page to get your copy or find more licensing info.
Most modern computers should easily cope with VRT and the other software products, so as long as your system is equipped with an Intel i3 or equivalent CPU, has a decent amount of RAM and runs Windows 7 or MacOS X you should not worry about it.
In order to take advantage of VRT’s full potential you need to install the LEGO CAD and programming tools as well as the LDraw parts library. All of them are available as free downloads for Windows and Mac:
- LEGO Digital Designer (LDD) – as mentioned earlier this tool allows you to create your 3D models for importing. Parts can be easily filtered according to set, type and so on;
- Mindstorms EV3 Software – this is the EV3-G visual programming environment, it is also compatible with NXT bricks;
- LDraw parts library – as the name implies this is the LEGO parts library which is continuously updated. The default packages are sufficient for the purpose of working with VRT, however you can also select additional packages from the installer.
Once everything is in place, after launching VRT, in this case VRT for Windows, you can patch the LDD software by clicking the corresponding option in the Help menu. Should you also use the older NXT-G software you can also apply the corresponding patch from the same menu. This is the final setup step, next you can start working with the software.
Virtual Robotics Toolkit Full Download Pc
In the following you can find an overview of various functionalities offered by VRT, covering importing, programming and running your simulation. Advanced features such as physics engine and rendering accuracy, workflow and other more advanced features will be covered in a future article after observing various aspects in a longer period of using the software.
Free Virtual Robotics
Importing a 3D model
This is accomplished from Environment->Import Model… and then following the on screen instructions. I did not previously create a model with LDD and imported a model already present in the LDraw library, in this case the 42035 truck set rendering. From the Environment menu you can also customize your working environment by changing the physics parameters, lights, backdrop or define various triggers.
Uploading a program to the virtual brick
This procedure is very similar as if the program would be uploaded to a physical EV3 brick. The virtual brick needs to be displayed by accessing View->EV3. After this turn on the brick from the virtual power button and the brick should appear in the EV3-G software in the Available bricks area, then the program can be uploaded. Other options in the View menu allow you to select various displays such as console, real time sensor data, devices list and so on.
Robot attachments and actors
From here you can manage the robot’s attachments such as sensors, arms or other assemblies as well as objects in the environment by selecting the appropriate option from the Actors menu.
Virtual Robotics Toolkit Download Link
Preferences and other settings
In File->Preferences… you can change the 3D rendering quality and frame rate, viewport limits, network and input settings, measurement units and other parameters.
Virtual Robotics Toolkit Download For Mac
Hopefully you enjoyed this article and found some useful info, as mentioned earlier there will be a series of articles about VRT. You can also find out more info by accessing the resources below.
Soft Robotics Toolkit
- LDCAD – alternative to LDD for Windows
- EV3 Lessons – EV3 resources, info about challenges